Package: sl3 1.4.5

Jeremy Coyle

sl3: Pipelines for Machine Learning and Super Learning

A modern implementation of the Super Learner prediction algorithm, coupled with a general purpose framework for composing arbitrary pipelines for machine learning tasks.

Authors:Jeremy Coyle [aut, cre, cph], Nima Hejazi [aut], Oleg Sofrygin [aut], Ivana Malenica [aut], Rachael Phillips [aut], Weixin Cai [ctb], Yulun Wu [ctb], Hugh Jiang [ctb]

sl3.pdf |sl3.html
sl3/json (API)

# Install 'sl3' in R:
install.packages('sl3', repos = c('', ''))

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Pkgdown site:

  • bsds - Bicycle sharing time series dataset
  • cpp - Subset of growth data from the collaborative perinatal project
  • cpp_1yr - Subset of growth data from the collaborative perinatal project
  • cpp_imputed - Subset of growth data from the collaborative perinatal project
  • density_dat - Simulated data with continuous exposure



9.94 score 99 stars 7 packages 748 scripts 129 exports 121 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:4bb008e655 (on fix-tests). Checks:1 OK, 6 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 13 2025
R-4.5-winERRORJan 13 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORJan 13 2025
R-4.4-winERRORJan 13 2025
R-4.4-macERRORJan 13 2025
R-4.3-winERRORJan 13 2025
R-4.3-macERRORJan 13 2025



Defining New sl3 Learners

Rendered fromcustom_lrnrs.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 13 2025.

Last update: 2024-09-23
Started: 2017-08-13

Modern Machine Learning in R

Rendered fromintro_sl3.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 13 2025.

Last update: 2024-09-23
Started: 2017-08-13

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Get all arguments of parent call (both specified and defaults) as listargs_to_list
Bicycle sharing time series datasetbsds
Subset of growth data from the collaborative perinatal project (CPP)cpp cpp_imputed
Subset of growth data from the collaborative perinatal project (CPP)cpp_1yr
Customize chaining for a learnercustomize_chain Custom_chain
Cross-validated Risk Estimationcv_risk
Cross-validated Super Learnercv_sl
Helper functions to debug sl3 Learnersdebugonce_predict debugonce_train debug_predict debug_train sl3_debug_mode undebug_learner
Automatically Defined Metalearnerdefault_metalearner
h2o Model Definitiondefine_h2o_X Lrnr_h2o_glm
Learner helpersdelayed_learner_fit_chain delayed_learner_fit_predict delayed_learner_process_formula delayed_learner_subset_covariates delayed_learner_train delayed_make_learner learner_fit_chain learner_fit_predict learner_process_formula learner_subset_covariates learner_train
Simulated data with continuous exposuredensity_dat
Convert Factors to indicatorsdt_expand_factors factor_to_indicators
Importance Extract variable importance measures produced by 'randomForest' and order in decreasing order of importance.importance
Variable Importance Plotimportance_plot
Inverse CDF Samplinginverse_sample
Loss Function Definitionsloss_functions loss_loglik_binomial loss_loglik_multinomial loss_loglik_true_cat loss_squared_error loss_squared_error_multivariate
Univariate ARIMA ModelsLrnr_arima
bartMachine: Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART)Lrnr_bartMachine
Base Class for all sl3 LearnersLrnr_base make_learner
Bayesian Generalized Linear ModelsLrnr_bayesglm
Bound PredictionsLrnr_bound
Caret (Classification and Regression) TrainingLrnr_caret
Fit/Predict a learner with Cross ValidationLrnr_cv
Cross-Validated SelectorLrnr_cv_selector
Discrete Bayesian Additive Regression Tree samplerLrnr_dbarts
Define interactions termsLrnr_define_interactions
Density from ClassificationLrnr_density_discretize
Density Estimation With Mean Model and Homoscedastic ErrorsLrnr_density_hse
Density Estimation With Mean Model and Homoscedastic ErrorsLrnr_density_semiparametric
Earth: Multivariate Adaptive Regression SplinesLrnr_earth
Exponential Smoothing state space modelLrnr_expSmooth
Nonlinear Optimization via Genetic Algorithm (GA)Lrnr_ga
GAM: Generalized Additive ModelsLrnr_gam
GBM: Generalized Boosted Regression ModelsLrnr_gbm
Generalized Linear ModelsLrnr_glm
Computationally Efficient Generalized Linear Model (GLM) FittingLrnr_glm_fast
Semiparametric Generalized Linear ModelsLrnr_glm_semiparametric
GLMs with Elastic Net RegularizationLrnr_glmnet
Generalized Linear Model TreesLrnr_glmtree
Generalized Random Forests LearnerLrnr_grf
Generalized Random Forests for Conditional Average Treatment EffectsLrnr_grfcate
Recurrent Neural Network with Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) with KerasLrnr_gru_keras
Grid Search Models with h2oLrnr_h2o_classifier Lrnr_h2o_grid Lrnr_h2o_mutator
Scalable Highly Adaptive Lasso (HAL)Lrnr_hal9001
Conditional Density Estimation with the Highly Adaptive LASSOLrnr_haldensify
Harmonic RegressionLrnr_HarmonicReg
Classification from Binomial RegressionLrnr_independent_binomial
LightGBM: Light Gradient Boosting MachineLrnr_lightgbm
Long short-term memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM) with KerasLrnr_lstm_keras
Fitting Intercept ModelsLrnr_mean
Stratify univariable time-series learners by time-seriesLrnr_multiple_ts
Multivariate LearnerLrnr_multivariate
Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear ModelsLrnr_nnet
Non-negative Linear Least SquaresLrnr_nnls
Optimize Metalearner according to Loss Function using optimLrnr_optim
Principal Component Analysis and RegressionLrnr_pca
Use SuperLearner Wrappers, Screeners, and Methods, in sl3Lrnr_pkg_SuperLearner Lrnr_pkg_SuperLearner_method Lrnr_pkg_SuperLearner_screener
Polyspline - multivariate adaptive polynomial spline regression (polymars) and polychotomous regression and multiple classification (polyclass)Lrnr_polspline
Classification from Pooled HazardsLrnr_pooled_hazards
Random ForestsLrnr_randomForest
Ranger: Fast(er) Random ForestsLrnr_ranger
Learner that chains into a revere taskLrnr_revere_task
Learner for Recursive Partitioning and Regression TreesLrnr_rpart
Univariate GARCH ModelsLrnr_rugarch
Augmented Covariate ScreenerLrnr_screener_augment
Coefficient Magnitude ScreenerLrnr_screener_coefs
Correlation Screening ProceduresLrnr_screener_correlation
Variable Importance ScreenerLrnr_screener_importance
The Super Learner AlgorithmLrnr_sl
Nonlinear Optimization via Augmented LagrangeLrnr_solnp
Nonlinear Optimization via Augmented LagrangeLrnr_solnp_density
Stratify learner fits by a single variableLrnr_stratified
Learner with Covariate SubsettingLrnr_subset_covariates
Support Vector MachinesLrnr_svm
Time-specific weighting of prediction lossesLrnr_ts_weights
Nonlinear Time Series AnalysisLrnr_tsDyn
xgboost: eXtreme Gradient BoostingLrnr_xgboost
Make a stack of sl3 learnersmake_learner_stack
Combine predictions from multiple learnersmetalearners metalearner_linear metalearner_linear_multinomial metalearner_linear_multivariate metalearner_logistic_binomial
Pack multidimensional predictions into a vector (and unpack again)normalize_rows pack_predictions print.packed_predictions unpack_predictions
Pipeline (chain) of learners.Pipeline
Generate A Pooled Hazards Task from a Failure Time (or Categorical) Taskpooled_hazard_task
Predict Class from Predicted Probabilitiespredict_classes
Plot predicted and true values for diganostic purposesprediction_plot
Process Dataprocess_data
Risk Estimationrisk
dim that works for vectors toosafe_dim
Container Class for data.table Shared Between TasksShared_Data
List sl3 Learnerssl3_list_learners sl3_list_properties
Revere (SplitSpecific) Tasksl3_revere_Task
Define a Machine Learning Taskmake_sl3_Task sl3_Task
Querying/setting a single 'sl3' optionsl3Options
Learner StackingStack
Make folds work on subset of datasubset_folds
Subset Tasks for CV THe functions use origami folds to subset tasks. These functions are used by Lrnr_cv (and therefore other learners that use Lrnr_cv). So that nested cv works properly, currently the subsetted task objects do not have fold structures of their own, and so generate them from defaults if nested cv is requested.train_task validation_task
Undocumented Learnerundocumented_learner
Specify Variable TypeVariable_Type variable_type
Generate a file containing a template 'sl3' Learnerwrite_learner_template